Delta TechOps Brand New Engine Shops

Innovative technology provides big benefits along every step of the repair cycle. At Delta TechOps, we have a number of new shops opening this year to help optimize repair processes and save costs. Two shops at the top of our list include the Life Limited Parts (LLP) shop and the brand-new Geared Turbo Fan (GTF) engine shop.
The LLP shop opened last month and can now industrialize not only the legacy engine lines we work with, but also the Geared Turbofan and the Rolls-Royce Trent engine lines. Creating a dedicated Prime shop for LLPs now allows the Engine Maintenance Disassembly & Assembly areas to increase capacity while also creating synergy for working on LLPs across the engine lines. This shop allows us to increase focus and process improvements for some of the engine’s most critical and expensive parts that will increase the growth opportunities for our business.

The new GTF shop is currently under construction and scheduled to be completed at the end of 2022, with our first PW1500 shop visit in the new shop slated to begin early next year. At 155,000 square feet and expansion opportunities for an additional 50,000+ square feet, the new shop allows us to perform engine maintenance on the most sophisticated and advanced technologies. When the shop is up and fully running, it will support the repair of more than 300 GTF engines a year, across the PW1100 and PW1500 platforms.
In Summary: Aviation Week’s Laureate Award is given to industry leaders in aerospace and aviation in five categories, with a grand laureate awarded in each category to the nominee whose project most embodies the trailblazing spirit of innovation and transformation. Delta TechOps was recently honored with a 2024 Grand Laureate Award by Aviation Week Network at their […]
At next week’s annual Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) in Hamburg, Germany, Delta Flight Products (DFP) will debut a full prototype of a first-of-its kind airplane seat that allows customers who use a powered wheelchair to remain in their own wheelchairs for the entire journey. DFP has partnered with UK-based consortium Air4All on the seat, which […]
In Summary: Delta TechOps secures nine new component contracts worth $225M in the first quarter of 2023. Delta Air Lines’ maintenance division and maintenance, repair and overhaul provider business, Delta TechOps, signed nine component MRO contracts worth $225 million during the first quarter of 2023. The exclusive agreements range between three and five years and […]