Delta TechOps At MRO Europe 2019
The Delta TechOps team was proud to attend Aviation Week’s MRO Europe exhibition from October 15-17. We shared ideas and welcomed leaders from across the industry to our booth, where we discussed the latest innovations and updates from our business.
One of these updates is the recently announced partnership with Airbus that will take our predictive maintenance capabilities to new heights, building upon the powerful Skywise open-data platform to bolster our already-powerful analytics. It’s just one more way we’re continuing to deliver world-class service to our customers.
Want to learn more about the TechOps-Airbus partnership? We’ll take an in-depth look in the next edition of our exclusive Elevate digital publication. Subscribe now to stay in the know and receive all future issues.
You can also check out the Delta TechOps MRO Europe 2019 photo gallery here:

The Delta TechOps booth at the MRO Europe 2019 Exhibition.

Members of The Delta TechOps Team. (Left to right: Steven Duran, Sarah Kovacs, Randy Porter, Alyssa Hunter, Ben Vater, Sonny Stern, Steve Boecker)

Sonny Stern of Delta TechOps catching up with David Cotterell of Virgin Atlantic, a Delta partner.

Michael Linzbach and Jim Jackson of the Delta TechOps Predictive Technology Engineering team speak with two EasyJet representatives.

Members of the Delta TechOps team field questions from visitors and exhibitors alike at the MRO Europe show in London.

Steven Duran of Delta TechOps discusses potential solutions with another exhibitor.

Sonny Stern, Delta TechOps VP of Sales (left), and Ben Vater, Delta TechOps Sales Executive (right), pose for a picture following the signing of an agreement with Austrian Airlines representative Aman Poorebrahim (middle).
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